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I believe our national leadership is in tatters! And that’s because our outmoded, national leadership structure no longer works; it no longer works because our leaders are almost never held accountable; and that’s because they know there will be no consequences for their irregular behavior. Think about it! What if our military leaders behaved similarly …
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Our national leadership structure must make at least one dynamic change: Vetting the US President. And that’s because our structure, though designed to give us exactly what we’re getting, is dated, unproductive, and dysfunctional. The main reason is our process of vetting the Commander-in-Chief is inadequate and not sustainable. One way to improve the process …
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February 1st, 2017 | Posted by David Whitfield in Racial Justice - (0 Comments)

  Don’t Talk about Race, Please Don’t talk about race!  I don’t see color. Well, what if we said the same about gender, poverty, disabilities?  I don’t see gender. Or, I don’t see poverty! That’s a serious and damaging way of denying the reality of a “different” other: an ethnically, racially, and ably different fellow …
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What will be our collective role in the coming year? When Trump first came down the escalator and spoke June 2015, the madding crowd roared, cheered, sounding like an 18th Century lynching or a Super Bowl in action. I immediately thought that Trump could win the nomination. And when he spoke derisively of Mexicans and …
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As a follow-on to “Dear White America,” please review the 5 min 17 sec video at: http://eji.org/videos/racial-terror-lynching-america-animated. The Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) suggests viewing it as one way to start talking about Racial Equity. And that’s because one of our top hindrances is not knowing antecedent events that inform our current thinking/mindset. Once you view …
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Dear White America: How frightening! “We didn’t have racism until Obama was elected”? “Blacks hate Whites because Whites are successful and Blacks are not.”? “If you’re black and haven’t succeeded in the past 50 years, it’s your fault. You’ve had every opportunity.”? “Black communities are in worse shape than ever, ever, ever!”? Wow! Why are …
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“I am free to say to you that, in my opinion this government of ours is founded on the white basis. It was made by the white man, for the benefit of the white man, to be administered by white men, in such a manner as they should determine.” [Italics mine]        Stephen A. Douglas …
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Is it Failed Leaders or Leadership Failures? Which is it? Have we failed leadership or has leadership failed us?  I wonder about many failures of nation-states, failures in corporations,   police departments, schools, and universities. Is it because leadership characteristics, attributes, etc., are based predominantly on Patriarchal ideology? Let’s look at a few failures affecting the …
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Is Racism an Illness?

June 17th, 2016 | Posted by David Whitfield in Racial Justice - (0 Comments)

Is It an Illness? My post “Is Black Skin a Leadership Issue?” on my May 31st was perhaps a bit obtuse, or perhaps a bit inconvenient. Please view the 2-minute 11- second video below and reread the earlier post. The video is quite informative about how we deal with difference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEpSoaj8hfQ Does the video change …
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I just responded to a tweet about a Black woman dying while in police custody. I always wonder why so many Blacks end up dead while in police custody. Black skin has a bullhorn, and it speaks in extremely loud voices; it draws negative attention, triggering hatred, violence, often death. It can’t help it. The …
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